Vancouver, BC Estate Litigation Lawyers

Estate disputes are stressful and time-consuming. At Lam Legal, we simplify the process and look out for you.

Are you facing a messy situation after the death of a loved one? In Vancouver, the laws around wills and estates can be complicated, and you don’t need the burden of trying to navigate a conflict regarding your deceased loved one’s assets, on top of the grief you are already experiencing and the other tasks you have to deal with (such as planning the funeral).

Working with a trusted law firm is the best way to ensure a fair resolution. Our Vancouver estate litigation lawyers have extensive experience resolving estate disputes. We can give you objective, effective guidance that will make a difference. Call us today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your options.

Types of estate disputes we are well-versed in handling:

Wills Variation – 

British Columbia’s Wills, Estate and Succession Act ensures that children and spouses will be taken care of in the event of the death of their parent or spouse. This means that even if your parent or spouse passed away without making provisions for you in their will, our Vancouver estate litigation lawyers can file in court to vary/change the will, so that you receive the proper maintenance and support that you are entitled to under the law.

The limitation period for such a claim passes quickly, so do not wait to take action if you have been unfairly disinherited from a parent or spouse’s will.

Defending Your Loved One’s Intentions

If you are the executor or administrator of an estate, sometimes you need to defend the estate from others who are unjustly trying to overrule your loved one’s intentions, as set out in their will or estate plan. If that is the case, we will thoroughly review your loved one’s intentions, provide you with options and collect the evidence needed to support their intentions and help preserve their estate. Call us today to discuss how we can help you.

Capacity Claims – 

For a deceased person’s will to be legally valid (and the provisions in the will to be upheld), they must have been mentally sound at the time they made the will. This means they have to understand the nature and /scope of their property, understand the nature and impact of their will, and be free of any mental disorder that could result in an undesirable disposition. Any party with a vested interest can bring a claim challenging the capacity of the will writer, but in order for that claim to be accepted, medical practitioners and psychologists usually have to weigh in.

Whether you are the person challenging the will, or a beneficiary who wants to fight against a capacity claim, our lawyers can thoroughly investigate the situation, file the paperwork without mistakes, consult relevant experts, and advocate for your interests to make sure you receive what is rightfully yours.

Breach of trust – 

When someone passes away, someone else will be named as their estate executor, and they will be responsible for acting in the interests of the deceased person’s beneficiaries when administering the estate. Sometimes, this means that they will have to make decisions and judgment calls that there will be disagreements over. If there is a conflict of interest, or  if the executor fails to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries, a beneficiary can file for their removal.

Whether you are the beneficiary or the executor, our Vancouver estate litigation lawyers will stand up for your legal rights.

Claims of undue influence – 

Particularly if the deceased person was elderly or ill, these types of claims can be made by a beneficiary who suspects that another beneficiary pressured or persuaded the deceased person into making a new will or amending an existing one in a way that benefited that beneficiary. Essentially, this is an accusation of manipulation, and we can either pursue that claim or defend against it, depending on what side of the conflict you are on.

Why choose our team to help you:

Lam Legal is a team of trial lawyers that care. We have over 85 years of experience representing our clients in court – now we’re taking that knowledge and experience and using it to help you solve your legal problems. We have enormous empathy for what you are going through. Death is never easy, no matter the circumstances, but it’s a lot harder when the family starts fighting (or when claims are made by other parties). Let us handle everything for you and work hard to achieve the best outcome so that you can save time, money, and stress.

If you’re involved in a dispute over a deceased loved one’s estate, our Vancouver estate litigation lawyers can protect your rights and inheritance.

No matter what estate dispute you are facing, we can take the time to get an accurate and thorough understanding of your circumstances, so we can explain all of your options and use strategic tactics to get results. We can attempt mediation or negotiation to keep your journey cost-effective, but we can and will fight aggressively for you in court if that’s what it takes. Your peace of mind, your financial security, and your loved one’s legacy are our top priorities. Call today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you.

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