Vancouver, BC Business Lawyers

If you own a business, you don’t need us to remind you how chaotic it can be; there are never enough hours in the day to handle everything you’re responsible for. This is especially true when it comes to the legalities – contracts, disputes, renting space, chasing after unpaid invoices. Some of it may seem secondary, but if you neglect the legal issues now, they may come back to haunt you sooner rather than later. Limitation periods are always a concern. And if you are facing a lawsuit, it can’t wait.

That’s where our Vancouver, BC business lawyers come in. The skilled team at Lam Legal has spent years working for corporations of all sizes; we can help you with your business disputes and litigation-related matters. Let us advocate for your business’s interests in every situation. Call today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your problems, goals, and next steps.

Common legal issues we can assist your business with:

Breach of contract and other contractual disputes – 

When a contractual disagreement occurs, we have your back. We are well-versed in contract law and can defend you in the event that you are accused of breaching the contract, or in the event that you need to pursue legal action against another party that didn’t uphold their end of the deal.

Contractual issues can arise in partnership or shareholder disputes, property sales – either for the buyer or seller – that have gone sideways and not completed, or even misrepresentations or fraud perpetrated by the other party in a deal. Call to speak with us and consider your options.

Debt collection – 

The success and growth of your company depends entirely on you receiving money for the goods or services you offer your customers. When customers don’t settle their invoices within the credit period, you’ll soon run into cash flow problems; but with legal representation, you have a better chance of collecting your past-due debts and keeping your company moving forward.

Our lawyers can evaluate the situation and advise you on the most effective ways to recover what you are owed (which may include litigation or filing builder’s liens or other liens). Where possible, we try to keep you out of the courtroom though – and paid.

Construction litigation – 

Before a construction project begins, there is typically a contract outlining expectations; however, sometimes one side drops the ball. Whether it’s an issue of non-payment, poor working conditions, acts of negligence, quality and scope of work performed, claims of injury, missed project deadlines (or accusations of any of these things), our team can aggressively protect your interests. We can also file builder’s liens for trades and contractors for non-payment.

Construction litigation is one of our firm’s unique focuses; we have extensive knowledge of the construction industry, and can use that to your advantage.

Commercial real estate leases/transactions – 

When there are multiple parties who co-own commercial real estate, it’s understandable that conflict may arise surrounding the maintenance or sale of the property, or about tenants and rent payments, or about service providers, or about any number of other issues. Sometimes, disputes occur between a tenant and landlord, or buyer and seller.

We can represent your business, whatever side of the matter you find yourself on. We’ll carefully review the lease agreement or title, explain your options, and even represent you in court if necessary.

Why choose Lam Legal to represent you?

Trying to handle business matters, especially disputes, on your own could turn out to be a costly mistake – not only you may not have the time, but if the issue drags on, it could disrupt your business’ operations, damage your reputation, and even mean the ultimate failure of your business goals (in the short and long-term).

At Lam Legal, we are trial lawyers who care. We take a strategic and results-oriented approach to furthering your interests. Our multilingual, trial-tested lawyers will take the time to get to know you and your business so we can provide personalized legal guidance that will make a difference in the outcome you are able achieve. Our experience will give you peace of mind. Don’t risk everything you’ve worked for; put your case in great hands. Call our firm today for your free consultation.

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